Coaching Mental health

Are you struggling to get through the day?

woman in yellow dress sitting on couch

When you try to be everything for everybody, you forget to be there for yourself. You want to do a good job, as a parent, as a partner, as a colleague etc, but when is there time for you??

When you find yourself thinking, it is all just too much – this is the time to get help. This can be hard and feel like failure, but I assure you it is not.

Living your best life and doing a better job than your parents is the bravest thing in the world. You will do wonders for yourself and for your children and family life.

Decisions and priorities

When I had children, I made a huge decision. I decided I was not going to make the same mistakes my parents did, when I was a child. I could not live with myself if I made the same mistakes my parents did. I was going to be the perfect parent and human being.

I was going to live my best life!

I quickly learnt that there is no such thing as a perfect parent or human being. Being imperfect is what makes us human and wonderful. It is not a failure to not be perfect. I think the trick is to find a few things that are your top priority, and then work on those. For me those are:

  • I don’t want to overwhelm my kids with too many activities or long days in day care
  • I want to listen to my kids, mirror them, acknowledge their feelings and let them be who they are supposed to be
  • I want to laugh as much as possible

These things come with consequences. For instance, I can’t work full time if I dont want my kids to be in daycare all the time. This is not for everyone, but it works for me and our family. For the others things, yes, they watch too much TV and no, they don’t eat super healthy things. And I may be frustrated at times that I don’t have the career I thought I would have, but we have found a balance that works for us.

You need to find a balance that works for you.

Healing the past

My healing journey really took off when I was introduced to coaching. Coaching is about awareness and change. You can’t change what you don’t acknowledge. This is what GET REAL means to me. We need to know and understand before we can change. And coaching helps you do that.

Coaching also helps you realise what is important to you and what is not. Coaching helps you find out what kind of balance you want to have and what you want to strive for in life.

For every aha moment, every new insight and every change in my life, made life better. My smile was bigger, my heart opened up to life, my resilience increased as well as my confidence and life was good. I was using healthier coping mechanisms to deal with hard stuff in life.

Because life will hand you hard things. We can’t change that. There are no guarantees that life will be all sunshine and laughter. But what we can do, is discover how we deal with life.

I want this for you, too

Today, I help my clients:

  • raise self awareness and provide tools to transform life
  • with anxiety and heal past traumas to become the best version of themselves
  • build resilience and grow confidence
  • find inner peace and have a happy harmonised family life
  • with childhood traumas, stop leaning on unhealthy habits, so they can be better role models for their children

It’s easy to get started. You first book a free Get Real session to discover how coaching can help you live your best life. Then you start your healing journey and become the best version of yourself.

Are you longing for a deeper sense of awareness and discover how everything is connected? Find me on Doctena, book your first FREE session and find out how coaching can help you transform your life.

Anne Louise

Living with stress and anxiety is draining and unhealthy. My coaching program helps you listen to your body’s signals and find your balance. This way you will feel great, calm and more confident.

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